Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I love weekends. I especially love them when Jason gets to stay home. I particularly love them when Jason gets to stay home and  we have visitors. Both weekends connected to this week qualify! Lucy turns 6 months old tomorrow (Wednesday) so it's kind of appropriate to have visitors bookending this week.

Last weekend Jason's parents (Nina and Grandbob) and younger brother (Uncle Aaron) came to visit.

Friday was beautiful so we met Jason for a late lunch in the park then had bakery pizza that evening. I was a little bit stressed because since Lucy learned how to roll from her back to her tummy she has forgotten how to go to sleep...and sleepy, teethy babies tend to be cranky babies, but what can you do? I think that's what car rides are for.

Saturday we were out and about most of the day and Lucy did fabulously! We hit the toy store, Stella's (the new restaurant in town) Lowe's, and Wal-Mart before heading home for naptime. Then, while I fed Lucy (and held her while she napped to ensure some sleep on her part) Nina and Grandbob cooked dinner! It was wonderful! Speaking of dinner, in celebration of Lucy's new milestones she got to try 'real' food for the first time. Sweet Potatoes!

This weekend my dad (Props) gets to come visit! Unfortunately tax season has mom trapped in NM but hopefully she'll be able to make it out soon.

 On the agenda? Fun, grandbaby bonding, and weather permitting - help with a few yard projects! =) ...and of course, reading some stories!

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