Sunday, July 31, 2011

Week 5

Chocolate chip cookies are kryptonite.

Making it to the halfway point is great! A huge accomplishment. A huge distance to have come. A huge relief...until the week after when you realize you still have 4 whole weeks to go and your weight loss plan has stalled...then time slows down...and you are happy things are going so well at boot camp but you find yourself losing your own motivation and wanting to skip exercise to eat chocolate and ice cream. ...and time slows you make a list of things you need to do before you see him again.

...And the list becomes longer and longer until by the end of week 5 you realize you have less than 20 days left (2/3 of the way there!) and so much to do... and you hope time will return to it's original speed as you start checking things off and helping time keep moving forward.

So eventually day one of week 6 has rolled around and I have acquired an ID card and Tricare coverage as well as visitor passes to get everyone on base for graduation...and it seems like we might just make it after all.

Also, Lucy has learned to climb stairs and thinks it is the greatest adventure ever.

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